26 June 2011

Heaven in a Wild Flower

To see a World in a Grain of Sand 
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, 
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand 
And Eternity in an hour.

- from "Auguries of Innocence" by William Blake

Limber Vetch

Purple Prairie Clover

Purple-Flower Ground Cherry

Slender Pentsemon

Sub-alpine Larkspur

Wavy-Leafed Thistle

Wild Alfalfa



Copper Mallow

Pineywoods Geranium

Wild Rose

Field Bindweed

Mariposa Lily

Mariposa Lily

Prickly Poppy

Showy Fleabane

Spanish Bayonet/Yucca

Spanish Bayonet/Yucca

Alpine Buttercup

Bahia Aster

Dalmation Toadflax


Gaillardia with Variegated Fritillary (?) Butterfly

Leafy Spurge

Rayless Cutleaf Daisy

Sub-alpine Gumweed

Whiskbroom Parsley

Yellow Sweet Clover
Coneflower (Mexican Hat) with Salsify Seed Head

Thank you Dr. Mary L. Dubler, DVM, for your comprehensive collection of photographs.  You made flower identification less daunting :-)

My photographs were taken yesterday (25 June) at the Reservoir Ridge in Fort Collins.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Jen. Auguries...Blake. Love Blake. Love you, Jen.-weng
